Using Typescript-Client SDK

Mercurial AMM SDK is a typescript library that allows you to interact with Meteora's Dynamic Pools.

Getting Started




Program ID: Eo7WjKq67rjJQSZxS6z3YkapzY3eMj6Xy8X5EQVn5UaB

Devnet Testing


  1. Install dependencies

npm i @mercurial-finance/dynamic-amm-sdk @project-serum/anchor @solana/web3.js @solana/spl-token @solana/spl-token-registry
  1. Initialize AmmImpl instance

import AmmImpl, { MAINNET_POOL } from '@mercurial-finance/dynamic-amm-sdk';
import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { Wallet, AnchorProvider } from '@project-serum/anchor';

// Connection, Wallet, and AnchorProvider to interact with the network
const mainnetConnection = new Connection('');
const mockWallet = new Wallet(new Keypair());
const provider = new AnchorProvider(mainnetConnection, mockWallet, {
  commitment: 'confirmed',
// Alternatively, to use Solana Wallet Adapter

const constantProductPool = await AmmImpl.create(connection, MAINNET_POOL.USDC_SOL);
const stablePool = await AmmImpl.create(connection, MAINNET_POOL.USDT_USDC);

// If you need to create multiple, can consider using `createMultiple`
const [constantProductPool, stablePool] = await AmmImpl.createMultiple(connection, pools);
  1. To interact with the AmmImpl

  • Get Lp Supply

// To refetch the pool's latest supply
// Alternatively, use `AmmImpl.poolState.lpSupply`
const lpSupply = await constantProductPool.getLpSupply();
  • Check pool balance

// Get the user's ATA LP balance
const userLpBalance = await constantProductPool.getUserBalance(mockWallet.publicKey);
  • Update pool state (It's recommended to update the deposit before perform any quotation)

await constantProduct.updateState();
  • Deposit to constant product

const inAmountALamport = new BN(1 * 10 ** constantProductPool.tokenA.decimals); // 1.0 SOL

// Get deposit quote for constant product
const { poolTokenAmountOut, tokenAInAmount, tokenBInAmount } = constantProductPool.getDepositQuote(
  new BN(0),

const depositTx = await constantProductPool.deposit(
); // Web3 Transaction Object
const depositResult = await provider.sendAndConfirm(depositTx); // Transaction hash
  • Balance deposit to stable pool

const inAmountALamport = new BN(0.1 * 10 ** stablePool.tokenA.decimals);

const { poolTokenAmountOut, tokenAInAmount, tokenBInAmount } = stablePool.getDepositQuote(inAmountALamport, new BN(0));

const depositTx = await stablePool.deposit(mockWallet.publicKey, tokenAInAmount, tokenBInAmount, poolTokenAmountOut); // Web3 Transaction Object
const depositResult = await provider.sendAndConfirm(depositTx); // Transaction hash
  • Double side imbalance deposit to stable pool

const inAmountALamport = new BN(0.1 * 10 ** stablePool.tokenA.decimals);
const inAmountBLamport = new BN(0.1 * 10 ** stablePool.tokenB.decimals);

const { poolTokenAmountOut, tokenAInAmount, tokenBInAmount } = stablePool.getDepositQuote(
  false, // pass in false for imbalance deposit quote
); // Web3 Transaction Object
const depositTx = await stablePool.deposit(mockWallet.publicKey, tokenAInAmount, tokenBInAmount, poolTokenAmountOut);
const depositResult = await provider.sendAndConfirm(depositTx); // Transaction hash
  • Single-side imbalance deposit to stable pool

const inAmountALamport = new BN(0.1 * 10 ** stablePool.tokenA.decimals);

const { poolTokenAmountOut, tokenAInAmount, tokenBInAmount } = stablePool.getDepositQuote(
  new BN(0),
  false, // pass in false for imbalance deposit quote
); // Web3 Transaction Object
const depositTx = await stablePool.deposit(mockWallet.publicKey, tokenAInAmount, tokenBInAmount, poolTokenAmountOut);
const depositResult = await provider.sendAndConfirm(depositTx); // Transaction hash
  • Balance withdraw from constant product

const outTokenAmountLamport = new BN(0.1 * 10 ** cpPool.decimals);

const { poolTokenAmountIn, tokenAOutAmount, tokenBOutAmount } = cpPool.getWithdrawQuote(outTokenAmountLamport); // use lp balance for full withdrawal
const withdrawTx = await cpPool.withdraw(mockWallet.publicKey, poolTokenAmountIn, tokenAOutAmount, tokenBOutAmount); // Web3 Transaction Object
const withdrawResult = await provider.sendAndConfirm(withdrawTx); // Transaction hash
  • Balance withdraw from stable pool

const outTokenAmountLamport = new BN(0.1 * 10 ** stablePool.decimals);

const { poolTokenAmountIn, tokenAOutAmount, tokenBOutAmount } = stablePool.getWithdrawQuote(outTokenAmountLamport); // use lp balance for full withdrawal
const withdrawTx = await stablePool.withdraw(mockWallet.publicKey, poolTokenAmountIn, tokenAOutAmount, tokenBOutAmount); // Web3 Transaction Object
const withdrawResult = await provider.sendAndConfirm(withdrawTx);
  • Imbalance withdraw from stable pool

const outTokenAmountLamport = new BN(0.1 * 10 ** stablePool.decimals);

const { poolTokenAmountIn, tokenAOutAmount, tokenBOutAmount } = stablePool.getWithdrawQuote(
  new PublicKey(stablePool.tokenA.address), // Pass in token A/B mint to perform imbalance withdraw
const withdrawTx = await stablePool.withdraw(mockWallet.publicKey, poolTokenAmountIn, tokenAOutAmount, tokenBOutAmount); // Web3 Transaction Object
const withdrawResult = await provider.sendAndConfirm(withdrawTx);
  • Swap

const inAmountLamport = new BN(0.1 * 10 ** constantProductPool.tokenB.decimals);

// Swap SOL → USDT
const { minSwapOutAmount } = constantProductPool.getSwapQuote(
  new PublicKey(constantProductPool.tokenB.address),

const swapTx = await constantProductPool.swap(
  new PublicKey(constantProductPool.tokenB.address),
const swapResult = await provider.sendAndConfirm(swapTx);
  • Update pool state


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